Once upon a time, there were two friends in Shibuya...


✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧
Neo ❀ 18 ❀ He/him
French and english speaker
Non binary (transmasc) ❀ homosexual
INFX ❀ 2w1 ❀ chaotic good
✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧


YO! Gentaro! Let’s try our hands at that game!


✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧
I’m very loud on the tl, however I am completely different in dms depending on how much I trust you. I tend to be quite shy at first and sometimes come off as dry and uninterested, but I love talking to people even if it takes me a while to feel fully comfortable around them.
I tend to get attached to people fairly easily and I mostly never sb without trying to resolve whatever conflict we have first (unless we aren’t friends). I don’t want to go in depth about my mental illnesses here, however I do have trauma related to abandonment that makes me act clingy towards certain people, if I act clingy towards you and it bothers you please kindly tell me to back off and I will understand.

✧・゚: ✧・゚:    :・゚✧:・゚✧


YO YO! Dice! Does it even matter if we lose?

Faves + interests

Faves + ccs
Rei Sakuma
Shylock Bennet
Dice Arisugawa
Idia Shroud
Mokuren (bsts)
Minami Natsume (i7)
Ethan (Afterl!fe)
Itaru Chigasaki
Zack Fair
Reno Sinclair
Tifa Lockhart
Minami Natsume
Kanzaki Ranko
Asuka Ninomiya

Hypnosis mic
Love live
Identity V

I also kin, but I mainly use it for coping. Feel free to ask about my kinlist! I don’t keep it hidden, I just don’t want people to have easy access to it from my carrd.

Yo! Just like that! I like how you’re up for anything! You’re gonna show me what you’re made of, right?


Please tag self harm, spiders, images of distorted human bodies/limbs (such as Momo, and this only applies to fictional characters/ creepypastas) and closeups of human eyes.
Please do not use terms such as femboy to refer to me, and if you happen to know my old nickname please don’t refer to me by it.

You mean to bet something, yes? I’ll take you on, so what are we playing? YO! YO! YO! YO!


You’re transphobic, homophobic, racist
You won’t interact
You hate spam

Feel free to follow if

You want to be friends
You don’t mind spam
We share interests

The loser will have to do one thing the winner says! Deal?

Sounds simple enough, let’s go!